Strada Ticuș nr. 1, Sector 3, Bucuresti


DC-430MA S

16.900,00 lei

Thanks to dual frequency BIA technology, the TANITA DC-430MA P runs a complete body composition analysis within 15 seconds. Results are instantly displayed on the easy-to-read LCD and the integrated printer automatically prints the results. This includes top-line analysis of body fat, muscle mass, BMR and physical score.

The DC-430MA P is medically accredited to the accuracy MDD Class II-a and NAWI Class III, making it well suited for use within a medical environment. By scanning clients’ bodies using dual frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), an accurate picture of their health is obtained.

The DC-430MA P consists of a stable platform and a column mounted display and control panel. This body composition monitor has a tripod for added stability for the patient.

There are a number of matching accessories for the DC-430MA P. Using Bluetooth kit Parani, you connect wirelessly to the TANITA Pro Software. With the TP-301 paper rolls, you’ll never be short of paper for the integrated printer.

DC-430MA S Instruction Manual (EN)

100 in stock