Strada Ticuș nr. 1, Sector 3, Bucuresti



9.500,00 lei

The DC-240MA is an upgrade of our earlier SC-240 model and with its weight of 4.7 kilograms is the lightest medically validated body composition monitor. This makes this monitor easily portable and therefore suitable in professions where it is desired to use the monitor in various locations. The DC-240 does measure weight, BMI and Total Body Water (%).

The monitor uses the latest dual frequency reactance BIA technology, which works on the basis of fluctuating reactance and resistance measurements. Within TANITA’s optimized algorithm, these measurements provide even more accurate analyses of body composition. For example, each person’s body water, body fat and muscle mass are better predicted, as is the body composition of women.

The DC-240MA features a wide platform and is easy to use, which also makes it well suited for overweight patients or aging clients. The DC-240MA automatically calibrates after each measurement.

DC-240MA Instruction Manual (EN)

100 in stock